Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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This is a list of all ROM sets currently supported by MAME. Additional fields are:
rom = the name of the ROM set as recognized by MAME
driver = the name of the C file from the drivers directory that runs the ROM set
cpu 1-4 = the type(s) of CPUs used in the emulation [used only for audio]
sound = the various sound source(s) used in the emulation
name = the full name of the emulated system
This list was compiled by Aaron Giles. If you have any updates or new information, please
email it to me at agiles@sirius.com
rom driver cpu 1 cpu 2 cpu 3 cpu 4 sound name
======== ======== ===== ===== ===== ===== ================= ==========================
005 segar Z80 samples only 005
1942 1942 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) 1942
1943 1943 Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) 1943
1943kai 1943 Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) 1943 Kai (1943 sequel)
3stooges 3stooges 8086 [6502] DAC Three Stooges
alpine taito Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(3),DAC Alpine Ski
amidar amidar Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Amidar (US version)
amidarjp amidar Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Amidar (Japanese version)
amidars scramble Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Amidars
amigo amidar Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Amigo (Amidar US bootleg)
anteater scobra Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Ant Eater
arabian arabian Z80 AY-8910 Arabian
arkanoid arkanoid Z80 -- Arkanoid
arknoidu arkanoid Z80 -- Arkanoid (U.S. Romstar)
armorcar scobra Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Armored Car
astdelux asteroid 6502 POKEY,samples Asteroids Deluxe
asteroi2 asteroid 6502 samples only Asteroids (rev 2)
asteroid asteroid 6502 samples only Asteroids (rev 1)
astrob segar Z80 samples only Astro Blaster
astrob1 segar Z80 samples only Astro Blaster (version 1)
astrof astrof 6502 -- Astro Fighter
astrof2 astrof 6502 -- Astro Fighter (alternate)
atlantis scramble Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Battle of Atlantis
bagman bagman Z80 AY-8910 Bagman
bankp bankp Z80 SN76496(3) Bank Panic
berzerk berzerk Z80 -- Berzerk
berzerk1 berzerk Z80 -- Berzerk (version 1)
blaster williams 6809 [6808] DAC Blaster
blkdrgon blktiger Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Black Dragon (Black Tiger clone)
blktiger blktiger Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Black Tiger
blueprnt blueprnt Z80 Z80 AY-8910(2) Blue Print
bnj bnj 6502 [6502] AY-8910(2) Bump 'n Jump
boblbobl bublbobl Z80 Z80 [Z80] YM-2203 Bobble Bobble (bootleg Bubble Bobble)
bombjack bombjack Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(3) Bomb Jack
bosco bosco Z80 Z80 Z80 wavefrm(3),samples Bosconian
bosconm bosco Z80 Z80 Z80 wavefrm(3),samples Bosconian (Namco)
brkthru brkthru 6809 [6809] -- Break Thru
brubber bnj 6502 [6502] AY-8910(2) Burnin' Rubber
btime btime 6502 [6502] AY-8910(2) Burger Time (Midway)
btimea btime 6502 [6502] AY-8910(2) Burger Time (Data East)
bubbles williams 6809 [6808] DAC Bubbles
bubblesr williams 6809 [6808] DAC Bubbles (Red label)
bublbobl bublbobl Z80 Z80 [Z80] YM-2203 Bubble Bobble
bwidow bwidow 6502 POKEY(2) Black Widow
bzone bzone 6502 POKEY,samples Battle Zone
bzone2 bzone 6502 POKEY,samples Battle Zone (alternate version)
capbowl capbowl 6809 [6809] YM-2203 Capcom Bowling
carnival carnival Z80 samples only Carnival
cavenger ladybug Z80 SN76496(2) Cosmic Avenger
ccastles ccastles 6502 POKEY(2) Crystal Castles
ccboot cclimber Z80 AY-8910,DAC Crazy Climber (bootleg)
ccjap cclimber Z80 AY-8910,DAC Crazy Climber (Japanese version)
cclimber cclimber Z80 AY-8910,DAC Crazy Climber
centiped centiped 6502 POKEY Centipede
champbas champbas Z80 Z80 AY-8910 Champion Baseball
circus circus 6502 DAC Circus
circusc circusc 6809 [Z80] SN76496(2),DAC Circus Charlie
circusc2 circusc 6809 [Z80] SN76496(2),DAC Circus Charlie (level select)
ckong cclimber Z80 AY-8910,DAC Crazy Kong (Crazy Climber hardware)
ckonga cclimber Z80 AY-8910,DAC Crazy Kong (alternate version)
ckongalc cclimber Z80 AY-8910,DAC Crazy Kong (Alca bootleg)
ckongjeu cclimber Z80 AY-8910,DAC Crazy Kong (Jeutel bootleg)
ckongs ckongs Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Crazy Kong (Scramble Hardware)
cloak cloak 6502 6502 POKEY(2) Cloak & Dagger
colony7 colony7 6809 [6808] DAC Colony 7
colony7a colony7 6809 [6808] DAC Colony 7 (Alternate)
commandj commando Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Commando (Japanese version)
commando commando Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Commando (US version)
congo congo Z80 [Z80] SN76496(2),samples Congo Bongo
cosmicmo invaders Z80 samples only Cosmic Monsters
crush pacman Z80 waveform(3) Crush Roller
defender williams 6809 [6808] DAC Defender
destderb mcr3 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Demolition Derby
desterth invaders Z80 samples only Destination Earth
diamond gng 6809 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Diamond Run
digdug2 mappy 6809 [6809] waveform(8) Dig Dug 2
digdugat digdug Z80 Z80 Z80 waveform(3) Dig Dug (Atari)
digdugnm digdug Z80 Z80 Z80 waveform(3) Dig Dug (Namco)
dkjrbl dkong Z80 [8039] DAC,samples Donkey Kong Jr. (bootleg)
dkjrjp dkong Z80 [8039] DAC,samples Donkey Kong Jr. (Japanese)
dkngjrjp dkong Z80 [8039] DAC,samples Donkey Kong Jr. (Original Japanese)
dkong dkong Z80 [8039] DAC,samples Donkey Kong (US version)
dkong3 dkong Z80 -- Donkey Kong 3
dkongjp dkong Z80 [8039] DAC,samples Donkey Kong (Japanese version)
dkongjr dkong Z80 [8039] DAC,samples Donkey Kong Jr. (US)
docastl2 docastle Z80 Z80 SN76496(4) Mr. Do's Castle (alternate version)
docastle docastle Z80 Z80 SN76496(4) Mr. Do's Castle
domino mcr2 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Domino Man
dorunrun dowild Z80 Z80 SN76496(4) Mr. Do! Run Run
dotron mcr3 Z80 [Z80] [6802] AY-8910(2),TMS5220 Discs of Tron
douni docastle Z80 Z80 SN76496(4) Mr. Do VS The Unicorns
dowild dowild Z80 Z80 SN76496(4) Mr. Do! Wild Ride
earthinv invaders Z80 samples only Super Earth Invasion
eggs eggs 6502 AY-8910(2) Eggs
elevatob taito Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(3),DAC Elevator Action (bootleg)
elevator taito Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(3),DAC Elevator Action
elim2 sega Z80 samples only Eliminator (2 Player)
elim4 sega Z80 samples only Eliminator (4 Player)
espial espial Z80 [Z80] AY-8910 Espial
excthour mystston 6502 [6502] AY-8910(3) Exciting Hour
exedexes exedexes Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Exed Exes
exerion exerion Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Exerion
fantasy rockola 6502 waveform(2) Fantasy
fantazia mooncrst Z80 waveform,samples Fantazia
firetpbl firetrap Z80 [6502] -- Fire Trap (Japanese bootleg)
firetrap firetrap Z80 [6502] -- Fire Trap
foodf foodf 68000 POKEY(3) Food Fight
frenzy berzerk Z80 -- Frenzy
frenzy1 berzerk Z80 -- Frenzy (version 1)
frogger frogger Z80 [Z80] AY-8910 Frogger
froggers scramble Z80 [Z80] AY-8910 Frog
frogsega frogger Z80 [Z80] AY-8910 Frogger (alternate version)
frontlin taito Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(3),DAC Front Line
futspy zaxxon Z80 -- Future Spy
galaga galaga Z80 Z80 Z80 wavefrm(3),samples Galaga (Midway)
galagabl galaga Z80 Z80 Z80 wavefrm(3),samples Galaga (bootleg)
galaganm galaga Z80 Z80 Z80 wavefrm(3),samples Galaga (Namco)
galap1 galaxian Z80 waveform,samples Galaxian Part 1
galap4 galaxian Z80 waveform,samples Galaxian Part 4
galapx galaxian Z80 waveform,samples Galaxian Part X
galaxian galaxian Z80 waveform,samples Galaxian (Namco)
gallag galaga Z80 Z80 Z80 wavefrm(3),samples Gallag (bootleg Galaga)
galmidw galaxian Z80 waveform,samples Galaxian (Midway)
galnamco galaxian Z80 waveform,samples Galaxian (Namco, modified)
galturbo galaxian Z80 waveform,samples Galaxian Turbo
galxwars invaders Z80 samples only Galaxy Wars
gaunt2 gauntlet 68000 [6502] YM2151,TMS5220,PKY Gauntlet 2
gauntlet gauntlet 68000 [6502] YM2151,TMS5220,PKY Gauntlet
gberet gberet Z80 SN76496 Green Beret
gng gng 6809 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Ghosts'n Goblins
gngcross gng 6809 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Ghosts'n Goblins (Cross)
gngjap gng 6809 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Ghosts'n Goblins (Japanese)
gorf wow Z80 Votrax Gorf
gravitar bwidow 6502 POKEY(2) Gravitar
gunsmoke gunsmoke Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Gunsmoke (Capcom)
gunsmokj gunsmoke Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Gunsmoke (Japanese)
gunsmrom gunsmoke Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Gunsmoke (Romstar)
gyruss gyruss Z80 [Z80] [8039] AY-8910(5),DAC Gyruss (Konami)
gyrussce gyruss Z80 [Z80] [8039] AY-8910(5),DAC Gyruss (Centuri)
hangly pacman Z80 waveform(3) Hangly Man
hunchy dkong Z80 [8039] DAC,samples Hunchback
hyperspt hyperspt 6809 [Z80] SN76496,DAC HyperSports
hyprolym trackfld 6809 [Z80] SN76496,DAC Hyper Olympics
invaders invaders Z80 samples only Space Invaders
invadpt2 invaders Z80 samples only Space Invaders Part II (Taito)
invdelux invaders Z80 samples only Space Invaders Part II (Midway)
invho2 carnival Z80 samples only Invinco / Head On 2
invinco carnival Z80 samples only Invinco
invrvnge invaders Z80 samples only Invaders Revenge
ironhors ironhors 6809 [Z80] YM-2203 Iron Horse
jack jack Z80 -- Jack the Giant Killer
japirem galaxian Z80 waveform,samples Gingateikoku No Gyakushu
jbugsega jumpbug Z80 AY-8910 Jump Bug (bootleg)
jhunt taito Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(3),DAC Jungle Hunt
jjack dowild Z80 Z80 SN76496(4) Jumping Jack (Japanese)
journey mcr2 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Journey
joust williams 6809 [6808] DAC Joust (White/Green label)
joustr williams 6809 [6808] DAC Joust (Red label)
joustg williams 6809 [6808] DAC Joust (Green label)
joustwr williams 6809 [6808] DAC Joust (White/Red label)
jrpacman jrpacman Z80 waveform(3) Jr. Pac-Man
jumpbug jumpbug Z80 AY-8910 Jump Bug
junglek taito Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(3),DAC Jungle King
kangaroo kangaroo Z80 [Z80] AY-8910 Kangaroo
kick mcr1 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Kick
kickridr dowild Z80 Z80 SN76496(4) Kick Rider
kroozr mcr2 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Kozmik Krooz'r
krull krull 8086 [6502] DAC Krull
kungfub kungfum Z80 [6802] AY-8910(2),ADPCM Kung Fu Master (bootleg)
kungfum kungfum Z80 [6802] AY-8910(2),ADPCM Kung Fu Master
ladybug ladybug Z80 SN76496(2) Lady Bug
llander asteroid 6502 samples only Lunar Lander
locomotn locomotn Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Loco-Motion
losttomb scobra Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Lost Tomb
lrescue invaders Z80 samples only Lunar Rescue
lwings lwings Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Legendary Wings
lwingsjp lwings Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Legendary Wings (Japanese)
maketrax maketrax Z80 waveform(3) Make Trax
mappy mappy 6809 [6809] waveform(8) Mappy (US version)
mappyjp mappy 6809 [6809] waveform(8) Mappy (Japanese version)
mario mario Z80 [8039] DAC,samples Mario Bros.
matmania mystston 6502 [6502] AY-8910(3) Mat Mania
megaforc starforc Z80 [Z80] SN76496(3) Mega Force
mhavoc mhavoc 6502 6502 POKEY(4) Major Havoc
mhavoc2 mhavoc 6502 6502 POKEY(4) Major Havoc (alternate version)
mhavocrv mhavoc 6502 6502 POKEY(4) Major Havoc (Return to Vax)
mikie mikie 6809 [Z80] SN76496(2) Mikie
milliped milliped 6502 POKEY(2) Millipede
minefld scobra Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Minefield
missile missile 6502 POKEY Missile Command
monsterb segar Z80 samples only Monster Bash
mooncrsb mooncrst Z80 waveform,samples Moon Cresta (bootleg)
mooncrsg mooncrst Z80 waveform,samples Moon Cresta (Gremlin)
mooncrst mooncrst Z80 waveform,samples Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu)
moonqsr moonqsr Z80 waveform,samples Moon Quasar
motos mappy 6809 [6809] waveform(8) Motos
mpatrol mpatrol Z80 [6802] AY-8910(2),ADPCM Moon Patrol
mplanets mplanets 8086 [6502] DAC Mad Planets
mranger mpatrol Z80 [6802] AY-8910(2),ADPCM Moon Ranger (bootleg Moon Patrol)
mrdo mrdo Z80 SN76496(2) Mr. Do! (Universal)
mrdot mrdo Z80 SN76496(2) Mr. Do! (Taito)
mrdu mrdo Z80 SN76496(2) Mr. Du!
mrlo mrdo Z80 SN76496(2) Mr. Lo!
mspacatk pacman Z80 waveform(3) Miss Pac Plus
mspacman pacman Z80 waveform(3) Ms. Pac Man
mtrap mtrap 6502 [6502] -- Mouse Trap
mystston mystston 6502 [6502] AY-8910(3) Mysterious Stones
namcopac pacman Z80 waveform(3) Pac Man (Namco)
naughtyb naughtyb Z80 -- Naughty Boy
nibbler rockola 6502 waveform(2) Nibbler
nrallyx rallyx Z80 waveform(3) New Rally X
omegrace omegrace Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Omega Race
pacman pacman Z80 waveform(3) Pac Man (Midway)
pacmanbl galaxian Z80 waveform,samples Pac Man (bootleg on Galaxian hardware)
pacmanjp pacman Z80 waveform(3) Pac Man (Namco, alternate)
pacmod pacman Z80 waveform(3) Pac Man (modified)
pacnpal superpac 6809 [6809] waveform(8) Pac & Pal
pacplus pacman Z80 waveform(3) Pac Man with Pac Man Plus graphics
panic panic Z80 -- Space Panic
panica panic Z80 -- Space Panic (alternate version)
pbaction pbaction Z80 -- Pinball Action
pengo pengo Z80 waveform(3) Pengo
pengoa pengo Z80 waveform(3) Pengo (alternate)
penta pengo Z80 waveform(3) Penta
pepper2 pepper2 6502 6502 -- Pepper II
phoenix phoenix Z80 samples only Phoenix (Amstar)
phoenix3 phoenix Z80 samples only Phoenix (T.P.N.)
phoenixt phoenix Z80 samples only Phoenix (Taito)
piranha pacman Z80 waveform(3) Piranha
pisces galaxian Z80 waveform,samples Pisces
pleiads phoenix Z80 samples only Pleiads
pootan pooyan Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Pootan
pooyan pooyan Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Pooyan
popeyebl popeye Z80 AY-8910 Popeye (bootleg)
popflame naughtyb Z80 -- Pop Flamer
puckman pacman Z80 waveform(3) Puck Man
pulsar carnival Z80 samples only Pulsar
punchout punchout Z80 -- Punch Out
qbert qbert 8086 [6502] DAC Q*Bert (US version)
qbertjp qbert 8086 [6502] DAC Q*Bert (Japanese version)
qbertqub qbertqub 8086 [6502] DAC Q*Bert Qubes
qix qix 6809 6809 [6802] DAC Qix
qix2 qix 6809 6809 [6802] DAC Qix II (Tournament)
quantum quantum 68000 POKEY(2) Quantum
quantum2 quantum 68000 POKEY(2) Quantum (version 2)
radarscp dkong Z80 [8039] DAC,samples Radarscope
rallyx rallyx Z80 waveform(3) Rally X
rampage mcr3 Z80 [68000] DAC Rampage
rastan rastan 68000 [Z80] YM-2151,ADPCM Rastan
rastsaga rastan 68000 [Z80] YM-2151,ADPCM Rastan Saga
rbtapper mcr3 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Root Beer Tapper
reactor reactor 8086 [6502] DAC Reactor
redbaron bzone 6502 POKEY,samples Red Baron
redufo galaxian Z80 waveform,samples Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO
rescue scobra Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Rescue
robby wow Z80 -- Robby Roto
robotbwl circus 6502 DAC Robot Bowl
robotron williams 6809 [6808] DAC Robotron
robotryo williams 6809 [6808] DAC Robotron (Yellow/Orange label)
rocnrope rocnrope 6809 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Roc'n'Rope
rollingc invaders Z80 samples only Rolling Crash - Moon Base
rushatck gberet Z80 SN76496 Rush'n Attack
sapcefb spacefb Z80 -- Space Firebird
sarge mcr3 Z80 [6809] DAC Sarge
sbagman bagman Z80 AY-8910 Super Bagman
sbasketb sbasketb 6809 [Z80] SN76496,DAC Super Basketball
sboblbob bublbobl Z80 Z80 [Z80] YM-2203 Bobble Bobble (bootleg Bubble Bobble, alternate version)
scobra scobra Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Super Cobra (Stern)
scobrab scobra Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Super Cobra (bootleg)
scobrak scobra Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Super Cobra (Konami)
scramble scramble Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Scramble
seawolf2 wow Z80 -- Sea Wolf II
sectionz lwings Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Section Z
seicross seicross Z80 AY-8910 Seicross
shaolins shaolins 6809 SN76496(2) Shao-Lin's Road
shollow mcr2 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Satan's Hollow
sidearjp sidearms Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Sidearms (Japanese)
sidearms sidearms Z80 [Z80] YM-2203(2) Sidearms
silkworm silkworm Z80 -- Silkworm
sinistar williams 6809 [6808] DAC Sinistar
snapjack ladybug Z80 SN76496(2) Snap Jack
solarfox mcr1 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Solar Fox
sonson sonson 6809 [6809] AY-8910(2) Son Son
spacduel bwidow 6502 POKEY(2) Space Duel
spaceatt invaders Z80 samples only Space Attack II
spaceod segar Z80 samples only Space Odyssey
spaceph invaders Z80 samples only Space Phantoms
spaceplt timeplt Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Space Pilot
spacezap wow Z80 -- Space Zap
spacfurc sega Z80 samples only Space Fury (revision C)
spacfury sega Z80 samples only Space Fury (revision A)
spectar targ 6502 -- Spectar
spiero dowild Z80 Z80 SN76496(4) Super Piero (Japanese Do! Run Run)
splat williams 6809 [6808] DAC Splat
sprint2 sprint2 6502 -- Sprint 2
spyhunt mcr3 Z80 [Z80] [68000] AY-8910(2),DAC Spy Hunter
sspaceat carnival Z80 samples only Sega Space Attack
starforc starforc Z80 [Z80] SN76496(3) Star Force
stargate williams 6809 [6808] DAC Stargate
startrek sega Z80 samples only Star Trek
starwars starwars 6809 [6809] POKEY(4),TMS-5220 Star Wars
superg galaxian Z80 waveform,samples Super Galaxian
superpac superpac 6809 [6809] waveform(8) Super Pac-Man (Midway)
superpcn superpac 6809 [6809] waveform(8) Super Pac-Man (Namco)
swimmer cclimber Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Swimmer
sxevious xevious Z80 Z80 Z80 wavefrm(3),samples Super Xevious
szaxxon zaxxon Z80 -- Super Zaxxon
tacscan sega Z80 samples only Tac-Scan
tapper mcr3 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Tapper
targ targ 6502 -- Targ
tempest tempest 6502 POKEY(2) Tempest
temptube tempest 6502 POKEY(2) Tempest Tubes
theend scramble Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) The End
timber mcr3 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Timber
timeplt timeplt Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Time Pilot
tiptop congo Z80 [Z80] SN76496(2),samples Tip Top
todruaga mappy 6809 [6809] waveform(8) Tower of Druaga
tp84 tp84 6809 6809 [Z80] SN76496(3) Time Pilot 84
trackfld trackfld 6809 [Z80] SN76496,DAC Track'n'Field
travrusa travrusa Z80 [6802] AY-8910(2),ADPCM Traverse USA
triplep scramble Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Triple Punch
tron mcr2 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Tron
turpin amidar Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Turpin
turtles amidar Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Turtles
tutankhm tutankhm 6809 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Tutankham
twotiger mcr2 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Two Tigers
uniwars galaxian Z80 waveform,samples Uniwars
vanguard rockola 6502 waveform(2) Vanguard
vastar vastar Z80 Z80 AY-8910 Vastar
venture venture 6502 [6502] -- Venture
vsyard yard Z80 [6802] AY-8910(2),ADPCM 10 Yard Fight (Vs. version)
vulgus vulgus Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Vulgus
wacko mcr2 Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(2) Wacko
warlord warlord 6502 POKEY Warlords
warofbug galaxian Z80 waveform,samples War of the Bugs
warpwarp warpwarp Z80 -- Warp Warp
wow wow Z80 Votrax Wizard of Wor
wwestern taito Z80 [Z80] AY-8910(3),DAC Wild Western
xevious xevious Z80 Z80 Z80 wavefrm(3),samples Xevious (Atari/Namco copyright)
xeviousn xevious Z80 Z80 Z80 wavefrm(3),samples Xevious (Namco copyright)
yard yard Z80 [6802] AY-8910(2),ADPCM 10 Yard Fight
yiear yiear 6809 samples only Yie-Ar Kung Fu (Konami)
zaxxon zaxxon Z80 -- Zaxxon
zektor sega Z80 samples only Zektor
zookeep zookeep 6809 6809 [6802] DAC Zookeeper